The Career Readiness Company

Where every path has a purpose.
Where every learner finds their why.


The Career Readiness Company

Where every path has a purpose.
Where every learner finds their why.

Pathful is the K-16 workforce readiness system that integrates college & career readiness, work-based learning and employability platforms, content and services in one affordable solution

Four workforce readiness platforms in one. Integrate college & career readiness, work-based learning & employability requirements into one experience

Four workforce readiness platforms in one. Integrate college & career readiness, work-based learning & employability requirements into one experience

Pathful creates a habit of self-inquiry and reflection so students create a future path that’s as unique as they are

Exclusive, authentic live and asynchronous content that connects industry with the classroom

Live, Virtual Guest Speakers
Live, Virtual Workplace Tours
Virtual Job Shadow Videos
Industry-Led Projects
Readiness Lessons and Courses

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How can Pathful support your Workforce Readiness initiatives?

Learn more about how you can maximize your time and resources with Pathful